Tuesday, January 5

a reason to photograph

this morning, i've came across a <a href=http://rangefinderfilipinas.com/forums/index.php?topic=3170>post</a> on RFilipinas forums, which made me think and rethink my reasons for taking pictures...  i have been doing this since 2007 when i got hooked with lomo and until i found the better place to be and to learn...

what is it really? why am i doing this?

for years, i've relied on my memories to treasure moments in my life... i never had a concrete memory of my childhood... my family... my father... all of them are just in the mind... but people grow old.. they tend to forget things.. and memories, no matter how great they were... i want something i could see, touch, and feel... something to make me remember and re-live those precious moments...

most of the photographs i've had are pictures during recognition and graduation excercises.. the only time we are able to get our pictures taken, aside from the mandatory ID pictures..

my friends and classmates may have had pictures of me, which may find its way on <a href=http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#/photo.php?pid=1350062&op=1&o=global&view=global&subj=613134671&id=750929102>facebook</a> from time to time.. but most of our family pictures and albums were destroyed by typhoons...

sadly, the only memories of my family and my father i have on print were those taken at his funeral..  

and i don't want that for my family and my son.. that is why i take snaps of his life.. of my family's journey... and it is my goal starting this year to take at least one picture of my son each day... if i missed taking one on film.. my trusty Nikon D40 or even my Nokia N82 would be enough to freeze a moment each day in his life...

they may not be good enough technically and mean nothing to the world but it speaks a lot for me and my family...

aside from the fact that i've always wanted a camera for my own since childhood and the fact that i love taking pictures... these are my most compelling reason to take photographs... and for me.. it is more than enough reason...

and for that primary reason, i believe i don't need fance gadgets and whatnot's.. they belong to the want category unless i decide to earn from this hobby... but for now, the camera's at home are more than enough...

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